Italian Pizza Dough

This is a no fail Italian Pizza Dough recipe that I always use when I bake my pizza by hand knead.  Very easy to do and very delicious.  My family loves this pizza!

Makes 2 Pizza Dough of 30 cm diameter

300ml Water
500g Blue Jacket Bread Flour
25g Dried or Instant Yeast
10g Salt
1 1/2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Ingredients for Topping (This is only a suggestion : you can use any toppings you wish)
2-4 packets Pepperoni (Thinly sliced)
1 Red Capsicum ( Diced)
1 Green Capsicum ( Diced)
1 Yellow Capsicum (Diced)
1/2  Punnet Button Mushrooms (Sliced Thinly)
1.2 punnet pitted black olives or green olives

Extra Blue Jacket Bread Flour for dusting while kneading

  1. In a small bowl, mix the yeast with sugar and half cup of warm water, in order to activate the yeast. Melt the salt in 2 spoons of water.
  2. Preheat oven to 250 Degrees Celsius.
  3. In a big bowl, sift the flour, form a " mountain " with a hole in the middle.
  4. Once yeast is activated, pour in the yeast and the rest of the water and start to mix with a Dutch Dough Hook. ( If you don't have a Dutch Dough Hook, you can use your hand or a wooden spoon, or a spatula.) Add olive oil , the melted salt and begin to knead by hand.
  5. After you have worked together the ingredients in the bowl, tip the bowl out on a floured worktop and knead firmly until dough becomes smooth and elastic.
  6. Form a ball and place it in a floured bowl, cover with a towel or cling wrap and let it rest for at least 1 hour ( in a wam area or table top) or until it has doubled in size.
  7. You may speed up the process by placing a pan of hot water under a closed, switched off oven for 25 minutes. Or put it on proofing mode in your oven if you have that function, with a pan of water.
  8. Time elapsed, divide the dough into 2 balls, punch out the air and flatten them into a disc. At this point, you may now place the dough on the non-stick circular flat baking pan, and begin to shape it, around the pan to ensure that that pizza is circular in shape.
  9. If you wish to make a deep dish pizza, prior to shaping, you may wish to set aside some dough to make the edges of the pizza.
  10. Mix the Pasta Sauce with the chopped Garlic and Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  11. Using a fork or Pizza Prick, create holes on the base of the pizza.
  12. If you wish to have a more crisp pizza base, you may wish to bake for 5-7 minutes prior to dressing the base of the Pizza with the Sauce Mixture.
  13. Brush the Prepared Dough with the Sauce Mixture, with a baking Brush.
  14. Begin to dress your with your topping, , starting with the shredded mozzeralla Cheese, followed by pepperoni, the sliced mushrooms, cubed bell peppers and another layer of shredded mozzeralla Cheese.
  15. If desired, break up the whole fresh mozzeralla cheese by hand gently, begin to sprinkle all over the pizza.
  16. Bake the pizza in the preheated oven at 250 Degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes or until the pizza crust turn golden brown.
  17. When the pizza is done baking, remove from oven and transfer to a pizza board to serve.
  18. Viola! The pizza is ready to be served! Enjoy Baking!!


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